What is the Full form of RIP

In everyday life we use many words for colloquialism. Some of these words are also such that we use the Short Form to speak. Many times we do not even know their full form, but since others use them, we also speak or write them. That is, we know so much when and how to use these words, but we do not know the full meaning of them.

Full form of RIP


We speak words like Ok, OMG, Hello everyday. One of these words is RIP. When a person is killed and when many things are shared on social media about their death, then all users write RIP in the comment section. You too may have written this at some time, but do you know its full form? Probably not. Today we are going to tell you what RIP means? And where does this word come from?


Full form of RIP

Many people have heard of RIP meaning Return If Possible whereas it is not. Let me tell you, the full form of RIP is Rest in Peace. It is derived from the Latin word Requiescat In Pace.

To speak or write the word RIP means to bring peace to the soul of a dead person. Through this, the person prays to God to comfort the soul of the dead person.

Sometimes the dead bodies write the RIP over their tomb at the time of burial. From now on, whenever you pay your tribute to a person, you will be fully aware of this and you will be able to tell this to others as well. It is really very good to know fully about something.

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