What is the full form of OK | Full Forms 101|

full form of OK

What is the full form of ok? I know that this question must have came atleast once in your mind, most of the people think that "OK" is the short form of the word "okay" but that's incorrect, that is wrong "OK" is not the short form of "OKAY". You may get little amazed after knowing the Full form of OK and the history of the word "OK".

Today in this article we will let you know What is the full form of ok? Origin of the word OK, the different full forms of OK as there are many accepted full forms of OK.

Full form of OK

Full form of OK

The full form of OK is "All Correct" i.e Orl Korrect. The word OK has been described as the most frequently spoken or written word on the planet. "OK"  is an American English word which denotes acceptance, approval, assent, agreement,  acknowledgment, or a sign of indifference.
Full form of OK Ok Ka full form

Different full form of OK

Ok Ka full form | Full form of OK

There are many different Full form of OK which are widely accepted in the world and those are :
  1. All Correct
  2. Objection killed
  3. Okay
  4. All Clear
  5. Objection Knock

Origin of the word OK

Full form of OK | origin of ok

OK is one of the most common and mostly used words in the English language, but in terms of linguistic it's a relatively new. It's about 150 yrs old, and  its roots goes back to Boston of 19th century . This is not purposefully invented by anyone but actually an editorial joke went viral inadvertently.

This all started in the office of Good Magazine writes of Charles Gordon Greene at the Boston Morning Post. The yr was 1839, and among the writers there was a craze to make abbreviations of different words  (like LOLZ, OMG or NBD today). The trend continued and  produced many unsuccessful short forms such as OW for “oll wright” (all right) that failed ."

The word OK was first appeared as an abbreviation for “Oll Korrect,” which was printed in a satirical article about grammar. The origin of the word OK were revealed in the 1960s, however, some etymologists  give suggestions that the word OK might came from Europe, as a Civil War nickname for biscuits, or as an key abbreviation for the telegraph term Open Key. Now We'll just have to be OK with never knowing what the truth is.

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